PakaSafaris’s advices for a perfect safari in Kenya

On our website we propose our safari programs which have been refined and optimised along the last 10 years.

You can choose one of our safari itineraries, or you can create your personalized program with us, according to your needs and preferences, time at disposal and budget.

In this case, you can contact us through our form or sending an email to [email protected]

What to visit in Kenya

Kenya is the most popular safari destination in the world.

In this enchating country you have the opportunity to see the Great Migration, the Mount Kilimanjaro at Amboseli National Park, rhinos at Solio Ranch, Meru National Park and Ol Ari Nyiro.

You can visit the Great Lakes of Rift Valley: Lake Baringo, Bogoria, Victoria, Nakuru and Naivasha, and venture to the most remote and wild reserves of Africa, such as Samburu, Meru and Ol Jogi.

Your journey may end at the kenyan coast for a beach holiday at Malindi or Watamu, pampered with Indian Ocean waves and golden beaches.

Which circuit to choose

Northern circuit from Nairobi: the Great Lakes of Rift Valley (Lake Nakuru, Lake Naivasha, Lake Victoria, Lake Baringo, Lake Bogoria), Aberdare, Solio Ranch, Ol Pejeta, Samburu, Meru, Mount Kenya, Masai Mara.

Southern circuit from the Coast: Tsavo East, Tsavo West, Amboseli, Chyulu Hills.

It is possible to join these two circuits, visiting the most important parks from Nairobi to the coast.

Flying Safaris (if you prefer to move quickly and avoid road transfers): you can visit all parks in Kenya by private light aircraft, creating any itinerary you wish. On our website we suggest flying safaris to Chyulu Hills, Samburu, Ol Ari Nyiro, Masai Mara, Lewa Conservancy, Mathew Forest, Ol Jogi, but you can choose which one you like most.

In case you wish to enjoy a tailor-made safari, not incuded in our programs, you can contact us through our form or by sending us an email to [email protected]

When to visit Kenya

You can visit Kenya all year long.

Seasons in Africa are different than those ones in northern emisphere. When it is winter in northern emisphere, it is summer in Kenya: temperatures rise to 30°C and, especially on the coast, it is hot.

When it is summer, it is winter in Kenya: temperatures average 25-30°C, and it is cool at night especially on uplands. It is a nice period to visit Kenya, because climate is temperate.

On uplands temperatures at night can get down to 10°C.

Rainy season:  April to June. It is possible to do safari on this period, savanna is green and prices are cheaper than any other period, being low season.

Great Migration at Masai Mara National Reserve: you can see this wonderful event between July and October.

What to wear on Safari

You can wear casual, comfortable clothing. The best colors are khaki, brown, dark green. Bright and white colors are not recommended because they can frighten animals and army camouflage is forbidden.

We suggest dressing in layers as it can be chilly, and in winter, very cold, on game drives in the early morning and late afternoon/evenings. However, by late morning it warms up.

In the open vehicle there could be a lot of wind: bring always with you a scarf to protect your throat. Also, bring on safari a cap, sunglasses and solar protection to protect yourself against the sun.

What to bring on Safari

This is a simple list of things you may need on safari:

– general medicines for any evenience.

– mosquito repellant. You may find it in your room at high level camps and lodges.

– photo camera: it is not essential, you can ask assistance to our camera operators. They can follow you during your journey and make your HD safari movie and photos.

– binoculars

You don’t need to bring with you towels, shampoo, bath foam and mosquito nets, as you will find all those things in your tent or room.

Vaccinations and medical precautions

Please note, we are not medical practitioners and, therefore, the following recommendations should be treated as guidelines only.

Before visiting Kenya, you may need vaccinations and medications for vaccine-preventable diseases and other diseases for which you might be at risk, depending on your destination.  We highly recommend that you check with your healthcare provider or travel clinic and follow their advice.  The Centers for Disease Control ( recommends that you see a healthcare provider who specializes in Travel Medicine.

Anyway, malaria disease has been almost eradicated in most of the country, especially on the coast, National Parks and Reserves.

Medicines for preventing malaria are very much expensive and, especially, harmful for stomach and intestine. That’s why we usually don’t suggest medical prevention: the best way, in our opinion, is to wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants at night, put mosquito repellent on your body, and buy Coartem medicine before leaving Kenya.

Coartem is a malaria cure which is sold in Africa at a very cheap price and it is 100% secure.